American Legion
Tattler Post #973

Next season begins Thursday, January 23rd, 2025
Games will start between 7:00pm and 7:30pm
Games will be every Thursday for the seven week season, UNLESS interrupted by a holiday.
Each team will have 2 players, which will sit across from each other. Playing another team of 2 players.
Each team can have 1 person as a substitute throughout the duration of the season.
7 weeks of Regular Play, each week will consist of 5 games. There is a 25-minute limit per game, with 5-minute break between games. If game is not over, team with highest points wins.
One point will be awarded for each win earned. Points will be added up at the end for tournament bracket rankings.
If your team misses a Regular Session night, you will just receive 5 losses. If your team does not show for over 3 weeks, you will forfeit your spot (no money back).
This is Fun, so let’s keep it Fun!! It is not worth getting upset over.
Game Rules:
First Person to receive a Black Jack will be the starting dealer.
Dealer will deal 5 cards to every person, starting from the person to the left. Dealer can do a deal of 3 then 2, or 2 then 3.
The four cards left will be put to the side, with the top card faced “up”.
Starting with the person to the left of dealer and going clockwise, deciding if they the suit of the “up” card to be Trump, or if they want to pass.
If everyone passes, the dealer will turn down the “up” card. Then person left of dealer can chose any suit, but the suit that was the “up” card to be Trump.
“Stick the Dealer” if everyone passes, which means the dealer must pick Trump if everyone passes.
The person left of the dealer will Lead, playing one card at a time. Each round is called a trick.
The card led becomes the suit of that hand, and all other players must follow suit. If a player does not have any of the led suit, that player may “trump” using a trump suit or “lay off” and play an off suit.
If no trump suits are played, the highest card of the led suit wins. If trump suit is used, the highest trump card wins.
If a player feels they have a strong hand and has a chance to call trump, they may announce that they are “going alone”. Their partner will forfeit their hand and the player calling trump will play alone against the 2 opponents.
The team that takes 3 out of 5 tricks wins that hand and will receive points
The team that declared Trump, gets 3 or 4 tricks - 1 point; gets 5 tricks – 2 points
The team that did NOT declare Trump, gets 3 or 4 tricks, they “Euchred” – 2 points
If a person goes “alone” and gets all 5 tricks – 4 points; if opposing team euchres the person going along – 2 points
First team to 10 points or more wins the game or at the end of 25 minutes, team with highest amount of points.